How To Learn To Skateboard?
Skateboarding has been around for a long time. It was first invented in the 1950s. But, it gained momentum in recent times. One of the main reasons for its popularity is accessibility. All you need is a skateboard ad some protective gear, and you are ready to go. Another aspect of skateboarding is flexibility. There are a lot of scopes to learn or even create new moves.
Skateboarding is easy to practice and a pretty convenient hobby to pursue. It carries a lot of depth and space for innovation. There is no specific age for when you can start skateboarding. With proper gear and guidance, it is safe for children aged six and above to ride a skateboard. You’re never too young or too old to ask yourself how to learn to skateboard. All you need is devotion and a skateboard. Bring your skateboards out and get, set, skate!
How to learn to skateboard at home?
The type of skateboard that you choose can have a huge impact on the pace of your learning. Here are some points to keep in mind while choosing a skateboard:
- The type of skateboard varied according to your learning experience. You can be a beginner, an intermediate, or an expert. If you are just beginning to learn, do not go for a very expensive board.
- The size of the skateboard also depends on your height. Following data may help you in picking the most suitable one for you.
Height Deck Width
3’5’’ Micro: 6.5’’-6.75’’
4’5’’ Mini: 7.0’’
5’3’’ Mid: 7.25’’-7.375’’
More than 5’3’’ Full: 7.5’’ or wider
- Choose the kind of board you want. You can pick a longboard, a classic, or a street board.
Longboard: It is an excellent pick for hills and is a good pick for beginners. They are not the best pick for a skate park.
Classic: Classic or cruiser is great for skating. These are small and easy to do tricks on.
Street board: They are great to learn tricks. Their quality is largely dependent on the wheels.
- Make sure to buy from a reputable source. Defective parts, loose bolts, or other such defects may pose a risk of injury.
Learning among peers comes with its disadvantages. It is okay if you desire to learn the basics at home before skating publicly in front of friends. If you want to learn or enhance your skateboarding skills by practicing at home, here are some points to keep in mind.
- Getting comfortable with your posture: This is the basic step for anyone learning skateboarding practices. It is up to you to decide if you are comfortable with the left or right foot forward. Find a soft surface and practice mounting and coming down from the board. Try to keep your balance. The more you get to know your zone, the faster you will learn.
- Practice falling: get on a soft surface and practice falling. This way, when the time comes, you will be better prepared to avoid an accident.
- Start with the base level: Keeping your front leg pointing forward, and practice getting your rear leg on top of the skateboard after pushing off. Once you set yourself in motion, keep both legs parallel to one another.
- Make turns: Once you know how to get on the skateboard, you can learn to make turns with the help of your body weight. Lean your weight in the direction in which you want to turn and keep your knees bent for better stability. Get comfortable with wide turns and stopping the board by slowly putting your rear foot on the ground.
- Observe: Now that you know the basics of skateboarding, you can take a step forward and learn new tricks. The best way to learn is by observing and implementing. Give attention to the moves of the skateboarders and practice doing them at home.
- Use skater trainers: Skater trainers are wheel-stoppers that hold your board steady so that you can practice new tricks without the board slipping away. Practice on skater trainers to gain confidence and once you know what exactly to do, try it without the skater trainers.
Just by practicing these few basic steps, you will certainly gain the confidence of learning new skills and showing them in public.
How to learn to skateboard for beginners?
For a beginner, the process of how to learn to skateboard may get overwhelming due to a large number of choices and tips available. The easiest and fastest way to learn skateboarding for a beginner is described below.
- To begin with, prepare yourself to fall. Many people tend to leave skateboarding in between due to fear of falling. Secondly, get your skateboard right. There are different types of skateboards available. You need to assess your needs and then go for the right pick. Get a good quality, durable board.
- To avoid hurting your feet, get proper shoes. You are going to need shoes with a flat sole to ensure easy riding on the board.
- Loose bolts, worn-out bearings, and sharp edges are all red flags that you must watch out for.
- For a beginner, it is best to start on a smooth flat surface rather than jumping straight into rigged roads.
- Keep practicing how to keep your balance and stay on the board.
- Start learning basic tricks like Ollie, Nollie, kickflip, and heel flip.
- Practice! Practice! Practice! It is the key to mastering the art of skateboarding.
Proper safety gear is crucial, especially for beginners to avoid injuries. Make sure to get good quality helmets, elbow and knee pads, and other similar accessories. Practice balancing on the board and be confident in yourself while riding. If you fear that you may fall, you will end up with stiff legs and, they will restrain you from learning how to ride a skateboard.
How to learn to skateboard fast?
Working on how to learn to skateboard can be a painstakingly long process without proper guidance. If you do not want to end up in a hopeless YouTube spiral on how to learn to skateboard, here are some tips to boost your journey.
- The only way to do it fast is to go slow. Do not skip any basics as it will only cause you problems ahead. Starting from level zero, which includes knowing your stance, balancing, getting on and off the skateboard, etc.
- What kind of shoes you wear can be a huge determining aspect of how fast you learn to skateboard.
- In contrast to the common notion among young skaters, wearing proper protective gear is essential for beginners. Knee and elbow pads will protect them from getting scratched.
- Skate with others and learn from the experienced ones. It makes you motivated to push yourself out of your comfort zone. It also helps to get rid of any form of hesitation. Observe and learn- this is the golden rule.
- Follow skateboard etiquette while skateboarding in public. It helps build trust and make better relations with fellow skaters.
These tips are certainly helpful when it comes to beginners. Constant progress keeps one intrigued by the activity. Learning how to skateboard be tiring but with constant effort, the outcome is going to be worth the hours spent on it.
How to learn to skateboard without a skateboard?
You can always borrow a skateboard if you do not have one. If that is not an option, here is how to learn to skateboard without a skateboard. Following are some ways you can practice skateboarding until you can get your hands on an actual skateboard.
- Improve balance: You can practice balancing on one foot or walking along straight lines.
- Exercise: Exercising can help improve your core strength.
- Try balancing yourself on a plank with cylindrical supports.
- Read about new techniques and watch videos online to get a better understanding of the skill.
Follow these steps when you do not have a skateboard. Once you make up your mind of exploring the sport, even more, get a skateboard and slide into a new realm of possibilities.
1. How to learn to skateboard as a girl?
Answer: – Learning skateboarding as a girl is as equally challenging as for a boy. The main thing to keep in mind is to keep practicing and learning daily. Choose the right kind of board as per your needs.
2. How to learn a skateboard trick?
Answer: – Once you are comfortable with the basics, you can start learning a new trick. With constant practice, you can master any trick.
3. How long to learn skateboard basics?
Answer: – According to experts, practicing skateboarding for a few hours for one or two days should be enough to know the basics.
I’m Tami Thompson, the founder of HIR Adventure, my team and I are passionate about outdoor adventure sports. We’re committed to offering you the finest skateboards, longboards, and snowboards.